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Microsoft Six Sigma Software

As companies and organizations implement strategies and methodologies to improve the bottom line. Six Sigma, a data-driven methodology, that helps companies and organizations alike, realize significant operational improvements, financial gains, by streamlining their operations and eliminating defects has gained significant traction within the past ten years. For a company or organization to be successful with Six Sigma, all levels of leadership must be involved in the process.

For the past ten years, Microsoft has been developing a software that will answer the call of Six Sigma professionals worldwide. One of the several reasons why Six Sigma initiatives fail with a new company, has been the inability of key stakeholders accessing a wealth of information and making sense of the information in a timely manner. Six Sigma quality improvement intiatives can only realize true operational and improvement gains for a company or organization, if all stakeholders are on the same page in terms of project management lifecycle, financial impact and best practices. This is where Microsoft Six Sigma software may differ from its' competitors.


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