Swap Motherboard
Swap motherboard without reinstall has useful if you have a trouble with the CD being read then you need to use one that is not burnt. So if you need to swap motherboard you can follow these steps below. Just for notice, don’t reboot the computer during the process.
With the old board still installed, uninstall any software that is dependent on the old board. This would be things like onboard sound, NIC, raid drivers, etc. While you are at it, uninstall anything you do not need or use.
Now you can go to device manager and select IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers. Right click the primary and go to update driver. Here you’ll see the wiz display a list of known drivers so you can choose. Choose standard IDE controller. Repeat for the secondary.
This is the most important part if you want the system to boot.
Okay for the next instruction you can read in the next article here.
With the old board still installed, uninstall any software that is dependent on the old board. This would be things like onboard sound, NIC, raid drivers, etc. While you are at it, uninstall anything you do not need or use.
Now you can go to device manager and select IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers. Right click the primary and go to update driver. Here you’ll see the wiz display a list of known drivers so you can choose. Choose standard IDE controller. Repeat for the secondary.
This is the most important part if you want the system to boot.
Okay for the next instruction you can read in the next article here.
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