Windows 7 Security | Could Firewall and Networking Works Well
Can Windows 7 change the perception that Windows Firewall is security you use until you install protection that actually does something?
Like Rodney Dangerfield, Windows Firewall gets no respect. Little changed for it between XP and Vista, and, while it does its simple task well, its lack of ambition made it a punching bag for reviews of better personal firewalls. I can't tell you how many times I've written, "Sure, Product X stealths all your ports against hack attack, but heck, even Windows Firewall can do that." Though Windows 7 adds a few new features in the firewall and related network-safety areas, the firewall in Windows 7 doesn't deliver the big changes I had anticipated.
At installation, Windows 7 offers to create a cozy-sounding "homegroup." As you add other network Windows 7 computers, they are invited to join; all they need is the same HomeGroup password. Having just one computer running Windows 7, I haven't experienced the sign-up process for additional computers, but it looks simple. Although any Windows 7 computer can join a homegroup, Windows 7 Home Basic and Windows 7 Starter PC cannot create them.
Computers in the same homegroup can share printers and specific libraries of files. By default, they'll share pictures, music, videos, and documents, but you can limit those choices if you wish. The help clearly explains how to exclude a file or folder from sharing, offer read-only sharing, or limit sharing to specific people.
You can also share media with other computers and devices on your home network, even computers not running Windows 7 and devices other than PCs. Microsoft offers the example of streaming music and videos to your Xbox 360. It didn't offer to connect with the Wii on my network; alas, the Wii doesn't qualify as a media streaming device.
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